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Our Clients School Of EducatorsTeaching is one of the hardest and most important jobs in the world. We provide the support that teachers need to transform their subjects into terms that their students will understand.
St. Peter Sr. Sec. School, KichhaSt. Peter Sr. Sec. School, Kichha
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School Software | Best School Software for RBSE and CBSE SchoolSchool Software provides facilities to perform Complete School management tasks for CBSE and state educational board schools, It covers Student Management, Fee Management, Examination & Results Management, Employee, Payr
Univariety - Alumni Management | Career CounsellingTechnology solutions for alumni management, alumni database creation, alumni networking, student guidance, career counselling, admission support and counsellor training.
Home - Garima Vidya Vihar Sr. Sec. SchoolRepublic Day: A Day of Patriotism and Unity Republic Day holds a special place in the hearts of every citizen of India, as it marks
Annual Report - Garima Vidya Vihar Sr. Sec. SchoolIt is with great pride that we present the Annual Report of Garima Vidya Vihar Senior Secondary School for the academic session 2023-2024. The past year has been a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment t
Our committee - Garima Vidya Vihar Sr. Sec. SchoolOur Committee Our Committee Access to a wide range of community members, who regularly engage in meaningful and enriching dialogue with our students, ensures that our students have more role models and mentors from diffe
Management - Garima Vidya Vihar Sr. Sec. SchoolManagement President's Message Mr. Mohanlal Bagora President We make Minds, not Careers! - Mr. Mohanlal Bagora -Mr. Mohanlal Bagora has 39 years of experience as a promoter. He contributes a wealth of ideas, a thorough a
Staff - Garima Vidya Vihar Sr. Sec. SchoolCOORDINATOR
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